Convivial Confessional: Admiration for Every Emotion

Last week in Dallas, I attended SacredSexyU: The Retreat – Enchanted, an all day intensive workshop with my friend and business coach, Lisa Carmen of the site

She did a fantastic job of leading a group of 15 women through several activities that stirred the soul and aroused the mind. In reviewing my notes from the event, I recalled one exercise involving a mask that served as a metaphor for the faces we choose to share with the world around us and I decided to share my thoughts and takeaways in the following video blog.

(*Hope my boys playing in the background aren’t too distracting! A convivial mama’s gotta do…)


6 Responses so far. Add Your Own.

that was great! thanks for sharing! 🙂

Angela Amaya Neywick
30 Nov 10

I love this. I definitely need to do more admiring aloud with certain people in my life. I would also love to compliment aloud more often than I do. Telling a stranger I love their hair or whatever it is… that sort of thing can really make someone’s day. Thanks for sharing! 🙂


Excellent! I need to do just that admire out loud. This is one of you best!

2 Dec 10

So glad you are inspired!


Compliments yes! On my way back from NYC, I boarded the plane and had to wait next to a male flight attendant. I was so close I couldn’t help to get a good look and the man was handsome, so I said, “You’re a very handsome man.” It was simple and nonflirtatious, and I could see it caught him off guard. He was appreciative and I felt good. Yes, do it Stephenie! Tell me the story when it happens.


Thanks for your words. Glad it could brighten a moment in time for you!


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