A Vision of Sexuality

Here’s a video of one of my favorite Spanish artists, Bebe singing the song La Bicha . As I watch Bebe sing, the melody and movements strip and caress the flesh that I call my own.

I see myself in Bebe as she expresses in her body, her smile, hands, hips and lyrics such strength, confidence, freedom and lack of inhibitions. Yes, I believe this is what my own sexuality looks and sounds like.

Do you know what your sexuality looks like? Feels like?

Have a look at this video and see how you feel. You may not understand this woman’s words, but I don’t doubt you’ll get her message.


Sex is sacred,
and I embrace its every form.

Religion taught me to believe it was bad to express the desires of my flesh, to experience all that is natural in me and I still hear those messages in society today. As a mother, I should be keen not to appear too aware of my sex, because goodness, what kind of woman would I seem? (Madonna/Whore complex) How about a confident one? I’m sorry to say, but my name is not Mary. Sex was my ticket to motherhood.

At a young age, I remember having an awareness about my sexuality-I felt it and wanted to express it. When I finally did
, I wasn’t lured by love, by lust or even confusion about myself. I had new thoughts on sex and was ready to apply the knowledge, so I made a decision to act on nature’s behalf to see what the hype was all about.

Sexuality is a deep knowing…

For me, it’s knowing what makes me come alive, what excites me, provokes me, arouses me, comforts me. It’s the confidence to express what I desire with another person without fear of their response. It’s being in control of my body and the choices I make with it. It’s knowing that nobody else is responsible for my emotions, dignity, self-respect and body except me.

My sexuality is not an opportunity or outlet for manipulation or control and there’s no room for uncertainty, confusion, insecurity, arrogance, or any other sentiment that doesn’t bring me or the other person exhiliration and joy.

If you’re not encouraged to express your sexuality as you’re designed to do, someone’s bound to come along and show you the way or remind you. That’s what makes life that much more interesting. Just be sure it’s always on your own terms.


4 Responses so far. Add Your Own.

This is awesome!


It felt and sounded awesome!


[…] Geen body parts, maar dit is pure seks (als je het verstaat wel, althans). (Vertaling geplukt van The Convivial Woman, ik had het niet mooier naar het Nederlands kunnen doen, dus daarom […]


Thank you for sharing;)


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