On the day you were born…

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” -Rajneesh

The photo you see is my belly when I was pregnant with my first son back in 2007 (just tilt your head to the left and you’ll see it right!)

I decided to post the photo this way, because it makes me think of the earth, a globe, and to me, that looks like mother nature’s hands keeping the world in tact. ‘Cause you know that’s what us mamas do!



3 Responses so far. Add Your Own.

Thank you, Cheryl for sharing this beautiful picture! It truly does celebrate motherhood and along with its enchantment 🙂

Erika Ancona
12 May 11

Thank you, Cheryl for sharing this beautiful picture! It truly does celebrate motherhood along with its enchantment 🙂

Erika Ancona
12 May 11

It is my pleasure to celebrate motherhood with another wonderful, beautiful woman.


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