Unexpected Movie Night + The Pure Talent of Jonsi

I rented the movie We Bought a Zoo for my boys the other night, but I ended up watching the film solo since both little warriors knocked out on me.

There I sat watching the story of a newly widowed father and his two young children. They were trying to figure out how to go on with life after the death of their wife and mother.

I hadn’t seen any previews nor heard anyone rave about the film, so it really was just a casual grab at the good old Redbox near my home. (Psst…that’s exactly how the best and most memorable experiences of your life tend to begin.)

Come to think of it, I don’t know why I didn’t anticipate greatness knowing damn well Matt Damon would be starring in the movie.

The experience I took away from this work of art consisted of tears, major heart palpatations, more tears, and just an all around warm feeling in my body.

I couldn’t help thinking about Matt Damon, a husband and father himself in real life, and wondering what motivated him to take on this role.

We’re all used to him busting equations at Harvard, running from the adjustment bureau, or motivating soldiers in the green zone with one-liners like “Put your f*cking game face on.” I have a certain friend, very masculine in nature, who goes weak in the knees when he hears Matt Damon talk dirty like that.

But in this film, he was simply a man trying to figure out how to start over and starting over proved to be him learning to speak a tiger’s language. Talk about a true character actor.

There was so much about life weaved into this film:

the loss of a loved one,

starting over,

not knowing where or how to begin again,

going where your heart leads you, as crazy as it may appear to others,

the importance of having stories of your own to share,

and really getting the chance to live and take on your own kind of adventure- one that suits you, that is right for you.

You’ll find many beautiful lessons about life, love, leading, taking risks, and letting go throughout the movie.

I felt moved to tears numerous times and highly recommend you watch the film.
I leave you with music by Jónsi from We Bought A Zoo, performing (click below)

Sinking Friendships

The music is the next best thing about the movie! Just listening to it again brings tears. Enjoy!


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