
What energy do you bring to the stage? Whether it’s family, friendships, professional or romantic…is it a convivial one?


To be…to be…never a question.


Who’s behind that mirror?

Confusing someone else’s insecurities for your own is easy to get caught doing. Keep the mirror on your own image at all times. When you doubt yourself, ask yourself! Asking the opinions of others is good to do, but not when it concerns your own feelings and desires about yourself. Be honest with yourself and give yourself the first chance to have a say in how your life plays out. Others will have their opinions and you can ask for their feedback, but beware (read: be aware!) that they are offering insight based on their own concerns and experiences in life. Trust your own intuition. Take your own advice and THEN get some!


Begin To Notice

Sooner or later a person begins to notice that everything that happens to him is perfect, relates directly to who he is, had to happen, was meant to happen, plays its little role in fulfilling his destiny.

When he encounters difficulty, it no longer occurs to him to complain- he has learned to expect nothing, has learned that loss and frustration are a part of life, and come at their proper time- instead, he asks himself, why is this happening?…by which he means, what can I learn from this, how will it strengthen me, make me more aware? He lets himself be strengthened, lets himself grow, just as he lets himself relax and enjoy (and grow) when life is gentle to him.

Strengthened by this simple notion, simple awareness, that life is perfect, that all things come at the proper moment and that he is always the perfect person for the situation he finds himself in, a person begins to feel more and more in tune with his inner nature, begins to find it easier and easier to do what he knows is right. All chance events appear to him to be Intended; all intentional actions he clearly perceives as part of the workings of Chance.

Anxiety seldom troubles him; he knows his death will come at its proper moment; he knows his actions are right and therefore whatever comes to pass as a result of them will be what is meant to happen. When he does feel anxiety, he realizes it is because of that thing he’s been meaning to do but hasn’t done, some unfulfilled relationship he’s been aware of, but…he perceives the anxiety as a message that he’ll have to stop hesitating if he wants to stay high…he knows he is out of tune because he lets himself get out of tune; and because he knows he can, he begins to take action.

He enjoys his high life; does not enjoy anxiety; so he stops hesitating and does what he has to do. He does not live in a state of bliss, though perhaps he feels himself moving toward one- or toward something, he doesn’t know what it is but it is the way he has to go, the journey towards it is the only life he enjoys .

It is hard, it is exciting; it is satisfying, lonely, joyous, frustrating, puzzling, enlightening, real; it is his life, that’s all. He accepts it.

Sooner or later a person begins to notice…

-Excerpt from Das Energi by Paul Williams

NOTE: Reread this piece, but replace “a person” with YOUR NAME.
Example: Sooner or later, Cheryl begins to notice that everything that happens to her is perfect…
See the effect it has on your psyche and share your thoughts here.

Be Convivial.


You are a Story

…she is a story whether she wants to be or not.
Because she is a woman.

People watch women as if reading them.
They watch them more closely than they do men.
Because they are more interesting.
Women have been the subject of so much objectification because of their intrinsic mystery.

Some of the greatest figures of worship are female:

the virgin mary
mother nature
earth goddesses

people study women the way the devout read books; not so much to learn material as to surrender to a word or phrase that captures ones attention. That is how others perceive women. And that is why non-verbal symbols become weapons.

A strength you don’t use turns destructive.

– The Princessa, Harriet Rubin


Broken Heart

I started to listen to Carrie Underwood’s song, Lessons Learned and it made me think about how the only people that have truly broken my heart have been women. I have befriended plenty of women and they have been the one gender I have given my heart and soul to more than men, so there you have the broken heart. Women get into misunderstandings galore and for what? Mostly, I think it’s a matter of unexpressed anger and not our nature. Women are not encouraged to express their feelings when angry. We are known as the nurturing species and have the desire to mend and make better all that is not right. We have the need to talk, to express our feelings, and so when meeting someone, a woman, we look for a connection, a bond, and when we think it’s found or there is potential for one, we open ourselves up. We pour out everything there is inside of us and when heartache occurs, we learn to hold back a little. And if it happens enough, we hold back a lot and offer little to no feeling. But we are a stubborn species too, so we try and trust again, and again and again. Sadly, some women make it to pure bitterness and choose not to make friends with anyone until life sends someone down their path to shake them up a bit, give them a couple of unwanted hugs, some pats on the back, some compliments about how beautiful they look, and they may even just prove to be there when most needed and bitter woman starts to loosen up. Doubt and fear are still key players in the relationship, but without realizing it, they become backups and she begins to warm up to the possibility that hope and love can and do always prevail in relationships. This is life teaching us to stay open, to look for the lessons, to ask for advice when we aren’t sure, to reach out when we feel vulnerable and uncertain about the direction we are going, for whatever signs we need to grow and become stronger. Keep a look out for that woman, or the many women who have your heart, and cherish what they bring to your life. Even if it gets rocky at times, the lessons learned can be precious jewels for you to wear proudly too.


Think Global.

No boundaries. Imagine that.

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