My New York Minute: Day 1.5

I’m awake thanks to a phone call from an old friend, Lola getting in touch with me. She lives here in NYC and we now have plans to dine and maybe dance this Saturday night. 

Let me tell you Miss Lola’s dancer name should be Rita, because those hips and feet of hers are dangerous on the dance floor. 

I know Lola from growing up in Chicago and I never forget a woman who can twirl the way she does! I can’t wait to see what moves she’s got now.

The convivial mama slept well, but before knocking out, I had a guy outside my hotel window pacing back and forth, screaming into his phone calling someone a hoe repeatedly. He was enraged and I thought, how sad…and how New York.

Last night at the Brass Monkey

a guy from London told me “You’re very New York.” I laughed, because I had no idea what he meant and I’ve never been called to be in New York until now. Maybe he saw the go-getter in me. 

I took the train from Brooklyn with Rochelle Schieck after our amazing Qoya dance session. My body was gleaming and energy was racing through my veins.

We both arrived to Brass Monkey where we met up with online business babe Danielle LaPorte, got the best hug ever from cool and nice Bindu Wiles, met lovable Kate Northrup, and I began to work my way around the room meeting new faces.

I was greeted with excitement by Megan Mathiesson of the site I Dance I Write, and I’m so glad Kate’s sister and actress, Ann Moller joined her for the event, because we immediately connected and I fell in love with her spirit. 

We talked about the stage we create for ourselves and how to step onto it and into a leading role with confidence. 

Ann said, “Instead of letting insecurity hold me back, I think about it in the sense that I have something to offer, my energy is in this world right now, and if I don’t share it with others who can benefit, that’s selfish and in a sense denying my existence.” Wow.

I don’t want to be selfish nor do I want to deny my existence.

Just in case you aren’t familiar or aware of this detail, Kate and Ann’s mother is the famed women’s health and wellness expert, Dr. Christiane Northrup. Check her out and get wisdom about your body! 

One last connection was made with Dame Lori Sutherland who is a teacher for Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts. What an energetic woman who loves what she does. 

We talked about the word Convivial (’cause she loved it), Mayan Abdominal Massage, and attending the school. Rochelle’s going to Miami to attend, so perhaps I may have to sign up for the next round. Everyone seemed to think The Convivial Woman needs to be there.

Alrighty, so it’s a new day, it’s a new life, and I’m feelin’ alright. 

There are tons of horns blaring outside, so I guess I won’t keep New York waiting any longer. They’re ready for me now! 

Let’s go explore this town and have some new adventures together, shall we?

What adventure do you desire to take on? What’s stopping you from making it happen now? Let me know if I can offer any insight or words of encouragement to get you there!

NOTE: To get all the in between details of my trips, pics I snap, random thoughts I share, click to your right and Like/Friend me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter! –>


2 Responses so far. Add Your Own.

I LOVE Miss Conviviality!
You are an extraordinary writer as much as a beautiful woman in person….
live in NYC. What an honor….thanks so much for this- yours, The Dame


Taking a humble bow. Thank you so much for your kind words!


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