Perfection is Possible
I have been convinced of a truth: Perfection is possible. I know it exists and can be reached, because I just experienced it. I am now more certain of its power, its potential to grab a hold of my heart, even if for a moment, and take me for an unforgettable ride. With this experience, I was transported to the muse’s doorstep and given a taste of the sweet sensations she brings. Before anything can get in the way of this feeling, I must declare it mine. Just as I do with my own life, I am holding it dear to me, embracing it with eyes wide shut and heart wide open. I am thankful, because I know it cannot stay. This moment will pass in exchange for another. It’ll call me, then evade me and I’ll chase it and find it again in some other form, but for now, it’s here…caressing, inspiring and causing feelings in me that I can’t explain. Does this make any sense to you? If the answer is no, then my answer is, GOOD. Mysterious ways…perfection works.
How did I arrive at this final destination? It happened without attempt, without logic or strategy, and had no clear direction- just as love is, as life is– but once I was aware of what I could do to steer perfection my way, the intention was all there. I didn’t seek it out, didn’t pursue it and like the sun rises and sets, it made its appearance. When the journey to this treasured spot began, I was unsure of how or what the experience would be. If I’d allowed my thoughts to take the stage, I would’ve hindered perfection’s debut. So I let go of all thought and chose not to speak. I closed my eyes and envisioned a deep, dark, gentle space within me and took my thoughts there. And left them there. I went with the flow. I let all worries walk out on me. I breathed in and then out, continuing this pace as needed and soon felt myself relaxing. When I felt the potential for thoughts to take the forefront, I pushed back and closed the red curtain on them. This was my stage.
In the beginning, there was a little uncertainty, some restraint, even friction at times. As is every new experience, every new meeting of the minds, of the hearts. But I had faith. And trust. And most of all, desire. I allowed the experience to unfold on its own, giving it the space, time and energy it required of me. I inched forward, then held back, leaped across and over, then surrendered again, not pushing or forcing anything. Cause and effect, baby. I trusted myself and all that was out of my control. Eventually, the pathway that called to me opened up for me and as I journeyed forward, I felt a rush of happiness, peace, and total calm. But the journey wasn’t over yet. I worked hard and was diligent in my efforts, strategic and patient for an outcome that would result in my ultimate favor. Then…it happened. I had arrived, reached success, reconciled my ideal of perfection to one of reality and was left in a state of pure gratitude. Perfection had surprised me, completely conquered my mind and body by simply proving her existence. I was in awe of her power and felt harmony and unity and peace and love. I was speechless. Tears replaced potential words.
What moments of perfection have gone down in the history of your heart? When all is right, smooth sailing, flowing, smiling down on you; when you feel impenetrable, subject to no limits, seemingly (or literally) floating above ground, and you can’t contain yourself, these feelings are what we aspire to achieve every day in life. Perfection is possible and a reachable state of mind, although not a permanent possibility considering the daily distractions that swallow up our mind’s potential power, but it is there, waiting for us to dedicate the time, resources, energy, and belief that it can be experienced. Give yourself the chance to discover and set foot on utopia. Repeatedly. It’s an incomprehensible and convivial place to be. Even if for just one moment.
TweetI write to empty my mind and to fill my heart. Writing is easy: just stare at the screen of your computer until a tear drops on your keyboard. -Paulo Coehlo
TweetThe Source of Feeling
I have a feeling about a conversation I had today about God. It was passionate, but I succeeded in taming the flames of this incessantly burning lake of fire by bringing marijuana into the mix which caused quite a bit of laughter. Mary Jane and her gang weren’t there literally! Their presence was just an idea…
In discussing the Divine and staying open and respectful of each person’s unique interpretation of it, just as our own lives and personal experiences are, I talked about Moses and the burning bush. I said to my friend, “You see, when hearing the story about God speaking to Moses as a burning bush, that’s what you see,” and I pointed to a shrub that happened to be nearby, “but perhaps someone else hearing the same story may imagine that Moses himself may have been burning some bush,” and I gestured to my mouth as if smoking a little somethin’ somethin’. Bursts of laughter followed and I continued, “How are we to know if ‘bush’ was or wasn’t a term used for such things back then?” My intention was not meant to mock or cause confusion-there’s already enough of that- but instead to make light of a touchy subject and make the point that God is…formless, ever expanding, open to myriad interpretation, and therefore having respect and consideration for another person’s way of viewing the world is important to learn from one another and truly grow in wisdom.
In the midst of this ensuing debate, I posed the question, “Should God be an argument?” Is it a good idea for the words God and Argument to share the same space, the same sentence? It’s a paradox, an oxymoron. Slice that last word in half and what do you get? Yes, it’s moronic. Should you argue with others about God? Love thy neighbor, baby. Should you argue with yourself? Love thy God, -dess. Sounds just as crazy as talking to oneself. And answering oneself. But we’re constantly in search of answers. Hmm…makes me wonder about the intimate activity and art of writing. Call me crazy. I’m a writer.
Do you want to be taken seriously? Then get past doubting yourself by questioning everything and consciously choosing your own path. Be true to you. Be the source, the solution, the resolution to all your fruitless searches. Help yourself, but avoid confusing this for being the end-all-know-it-all. We need help in this life. You. Me. We. And being grateful and kind are key. When a feeling comes to you, go to the source of it and trust what it’s telling you. Stand firm in your own beliefs, but avoid finding offense with someone when your truth is not theirs (as in they don’t see or hear what you see or hear) and don’t worry if their “truth” doesn’t speak to you either. Find your path and walk it. In the words of Nietzsche, “You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.”
Have faith in what is true for you, and if your way of hearing it is different from the masses, perhaps not even ringing from the pulpits of a church, it’s okay. If you’re eager, open, and willing to listen to what The Source of all Creation has planned for your ear (read: your life), then get ready for greatness! Be ready to receive the message, watch for the sign, wait for the teacher…whichever channel is meant for you will flow through to you. The resources are there, but you must be resourceful and reach up and out and all around to find what’s looking after you, looking for you. Wisdom to love and live in peace with oneself is the ultimate feat.