The Bossy Bohemian

Bossy Bohemian…one of many ways I see myself. What’s this alter-ego like? She, well, me…better yet, I view the world with an open, winding, ever-expansive mind. Always questioning, searching for the lesson, the teacher, the meaning in everything. I’m intrigued by and attracted to words like gypsy,vagabond, artist and entrepreneur, but commit to no labels, belong in zero categories. I’m a humble snob. A possible combo in my own little private Bohemia. I pave my own path, make my own judgment of character and circumstances, and choose relationships and experiences that cause my spirit to rise up and say “Cheers.” I shower and choose to let days, weeks pass without razor in hand, giving in to my curiosity to see how long armpit hair can grow. With intention to spoil the man in my life, I slowly and gracefully shave…taking such precious moments to smile and appreciate the sweet, subtle scents of my body while considering all the ways she has worked for me. A simple act of maintenance turns into a moment of gratitude, of being present, which in turn conjures up my respect for the female anatomy, my love for her…for me…for humanity. I am not mistaken for someone who lets herself go. No, I am certainly well-groomed, definitely put together, consciously standing tall before you. I say how I feel, eat close to nature, and love how I look. I dress in turquoise and indigo and know the effects such hues can have on the spirit, how they can penetrate through to my inner being and guarantee a stronger, more confident stride, hence footprint on this round mother of an earth. I’m sassy and compassionate, accepting and kind toward my fellow woman, flower, man, child, creature, land. I say what my tongue craves…motherfucker among the favorites. I dabble in this and that and don’t worry about a profession “defining” me. However, make no mistake about my professionalism. I happily wander, get lost, find my way again, then get lost again, and wander off again. It’s confusing, I know. I am. To you. To me. And guess what? It’s all good. I’ll be misunderstood most times, by most people, and I won’t be liked sometimes, many times, but it’s all part of the game and every new day I get to play, I understand more. Patience and faith are good friends of mine and I continually take risks and step forward into the unknown with eyes wide open knowing the answers await me. Bossy bohemian…it’s my way of being and it gets me through this convivial life. So as I dance my way back into the every day routine of things, I sign off and encourage you to go on with your bad-bossy-bohemian self, girl. We all have a bit of her in us.


4 Responses so far. Add Your Own.

This is by far the best article you have ever written. I LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT!

25 Feb 10

This is exactly how I feel but never knew how to put into words…feels like you were reading my emotions.

22 Mar 10

So glad I could speak a truth you also understand.;)

22 Mar 10

So glad to communicate that in a way that speaks to you.

29 Mar 10

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