There are moments to act and moments to stop (set it all aflame) and listen.


There are moments in your life when you have to pay attention to what life is throwing at you and act accordingly.

Sometimes, all can be going smoothly; other times, everything can be going to sh*t. What do you do when its the latter?

As I must often learn, the more you resist the change you are needing to make, the more momentum you give the forces working against you.

This is when you have to switch gears, accept when something isn’t working, stop making excuses, stop avoiding and procrastinating on the inevitable, start asking the right questions, and perhaps even be bold enough to grab a match, set it all aflame, and begin again. Destruction breeds creation…


Your life’s canvas continually calls for unexpected maneuvers and alternative strokes, sometimes a new set of brushes, and in extreme cases, to be drenched in a fresh coat of white paint. Knowing which move to make is where things get tricky.

I’ve been experiencing moments where everything seems possible and then seemingly impossible, but that’s life, and as my good friend often tells me…

When times get tough, you have to be able to “embrace the suck factor.”

I struggle to embrace the suck factor because that means I won’t always get what I want. Don’t confuse me for some spoiled girl but rather, as a convivial creator, I anticipate issues arising in every possible direction I want to go and then I work to eliminate problems before they can present themselves. However, when certain problems turn up or don’t go away, that’s when I must surrender and accept that I don’t have all the solutions and not everything is within my control.

Right now, I am living the story of my next book, and a juicy one it will be IF I am brave enough to lift the virtual curtain and truly open up. Ah yes, the struggle for every writer…to get naked.


I can see the material coming together each day through the choices I am having to make…tough ones indeed. There are more lessons and stories to share that I’ll eventually piece together in book form…but in the meantime…I preserve my words for that fine day and continue down a road where…

I grow, stumble, give, lose; I wander, meander, and maneuver my way through this world; I struggle, learn, battle, surrender; I fail, laugh, cry, succeed; I breathe, love, forgive, taste; I relax, celebrate, strive, receive; I write, feel, see…LIVE.

I know I’m not unique. What road are you traveling to reach the next grand phase of your convivial life?


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