Not your mind or your body

While working out, I pass the time by listening to the audio book Magical Mind, Magical Body by acclaimed author, Deepak Chopra M.D. As I’m walking up a hill on the treadmill, I hear him say, “You are not your mind and you are not your body; you have a mind and a body and are the silent witness behind it’s condition…” Ever get a moment where you feel the impact of such a realization? I thought, WOW what an effect this could have on a woman struggling with the weight of her physical body or emotional state. As Deepak has said and I want to expand on- get in touch with that intelligent witness of yours. Upon realizing that your body is a field of your own ideas, you’ll soon experience a new outlook on your life and a new body. Be kind to yourself and your body. In the end, that’s what you’re ultimately left.


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